





Apologies for absence:  

  1. Councillors to receive any apologies for absence.
  2. Councillors to vote on acceptance to accept apologies for absence.


Declarations of Interest and Dispensation considerations: 

  1. To receive any Councillors’ Interests in subsequent agenda items and to note any additions and/or deletions to the Councils Register of Interest.
  2. To receive and consider any requests for dispensations.


Minutes of previous meeting: Councillors to agree the minutes of the Parish Council meeting held on 1 November 2021 as a true record of the business conducted.


Public Forum: 

(this section at the Chairman’s discretion may last up to 15 minutes):

  1. To receive reports from the District and County Councillor.
  2. To receive comments or questions on matters of interest from members of the public.



Councillors to agree comments on applications made to the Local Planning Authority (MSDC): 

  1. DC/21/05938 Application for prior approval of a proposed : Change of use of Agricultural Building to a Dwelling house (C3) and for building operations reasonably necessary for conversion. Town and Country Planning (General Permitted Development)(England) Order 2015 as amended Schedule 2, Part 3, Class Q - Conversion of agricultural barn to form 1no. dwelling including the partial removal of the adjacent lean-to element. Location: Barn at Fasbourn Farm, Valley Way, Buxhall IP14 3EB.
  2. Councillors are asked to note the following determination as notified by MSDC:

i. DC/21/05296 Land North of Copperfields, Brettenham Road, Buxhall

MSDC: GRANTED                     BPC: No Objection


Finance: (all reports and paperwork appended):

  1. Councillors to approve the finance report for the period ended 30 November 2021 including: I. Bank reconciliations  II. Budget to actual payments and receipts and III. Reserves
  2. Councillors to note receipts since the last meeting.
  3. Councillors to approve payments to be made by internet banking.
  4. Councillors to consider a request from Buxhall Community Council to financially support or sponsor The Queen’s Platinum Jubilee celebrations up to £2k and take appropriate action.
  5. Councillors to receive an update on the re-investment of the Nationwide Business 1 Year Saver capital and interest accrued.
  6. Councillors to consider and agree the budget for 2022/23.
  7. Councillors to agree the Precept request for 2022/23 and for the Clerk tcomplete the direction to Mid Suffolk District Council to pay the proposed Precept for 2022/23.


To receive reports from Working Parties and/or Representatives and take action as appropriate:

  1. Footpath officer                    Cllr Manning
  2. Playing Field                           Cllr Drury
  3. Road Safety                            Cllr Basham



To agree the Internal Audit Plan.

To receive and consider Clerks recommendation for the appointment of the Internal Auditor for the 2022 year end.

To agree issuing the Internal Auditors letter of appointment.

Councillors to consider the following policies and procedures and agree adoption:

I. Bring Your Own Device

II. Data Breach

III. Data Security

IV. Freedom of Information


Correspondence: To consider a response to Suffolk County Council’s survey on lorry movements.


To note the minutes from the Support the Crown Committee meeting held on 23 November 2021 and consider any recommendations.


Any other matters for information, to be noted, or for inclusion on a future agenda.


To note the date for the next scheduled meeting as Monday 10 January 2021.


To close the meeting.